Costa Rica has committed to be carbon neutral by the year 2021, which means that we are all committed to offset the carbon emissions that are released into the atmosphere to pause and stop contributing to global warming.
At NETCOM we joined the challenge, we implemented appropriate mitigation measures to reduce our carbon footprint, known as GHG (Greenhouse Gases), which is the quantification of the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions we generate during the year as a result of our operations; Carbon Neutrality is the practice of balancing the carbon dioxide emissions equivalents.
We underwent the verification process of our carbon footprint through the validating entity, where we were able to demonstrate our commitment to develop internal actions for the proper management of GHG emissions, which gives us the declaration of verification of our GHG inventory. With the recommendation of recognition of the category: Carbon Neutrality of the Carbon Neutrality Country Program 2.0 MINAE, reaffirming our support for the country’s agreements on climate action.
Confirming our commitment to sustainability allows us to strengthen our development and competitiveness strategy, in addition to raising awareness and encouraging our employees to adopt environmentally friendly practices, because it is not enough to implement measures to mitigate our footprint, it also requires education, commitment and culture of our people, the challenge is everyone’s!